Empower Hawaii started in 2011 as Make a Joyful Noise. The vision of Make a Joyful Noise was to strengthen communities, enhance traditions, and inspire people through music. Schools in need were identified; donors were chosen to serve as role models; and through these efforts communities were inspired and strengthened through music.
Empower Hawaii was created in 2019 to expand the organization's events, programs, and projects and meet the needs of communities state-wide. The process of choosing an event, program or project starts with first observing and really understanding the societal need for community empowerment and change. The second step is building a tribe of people with similar desires to address the gap and create a huge impact for the community. Community organizing is our favorite part of the projects and is also very powerful for empowerment. The last step is to evaluate and repeat when there is still a need.
Empower Hawaii hosts 7 signature community events: The Ukulele Bash, The Young Women's Prom Event, Emergency Preparedness Fairs, Together For Our Keiki, Defend the Family, Painting Projects and Community Clean Ups. These events are a collaboration of efforts from many community members, businesses, non-profits, schools, and others. Empower Hawaii has one signature community program called ARC (Attendance Review Council) which is currently operating in the Leeward School Complex. Lastly, Empower Hawaii formerly hosted Entrepreneur Conferences, Back to School Bashes, and continues to do one time community projects such as park renovations and building performing stages for schools.